Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6 - French Cell Phone Ad/Propaganda

This week's Propaganda is a White, Social, Marketing/Advertising type propaganda. I assume it is divisive. It is an advertisement for Ovodafone live! service from SFR company. This service allows you to send photos instantly from your cell phone.

This propaganda uses appeal to desire, using a pretty sleeping lady that the man obviously desires, and that the propagandists hope the viewers appreciate as well. The use of this sleeping woman could be considered transfer, hoping the the viewer will transfer the idea of being with a beautiful sleeping woman with the phone service.
It also uses card stacking, telling a sort of half truth about the "harmless fun" of pretending to kiss a sleeping girl on a plane. Most likely, this one of the better outcomes of this situation for the guy. The common person technique is also utilized, as the guy on the plane is more of a normal guy who wants to have a girlfriend that makes his friends envious.
The glittering generality at the end of the ad which states, "SFR. Let's speak better. Let's speak mobile." is a sort of call to action, almost in a bandwagon sort of way.
The intended audience is the French populace of young adults who use technology such as cell phones often.

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